What Are the Worst Traffic Times in Salt Lake City?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Originally published June 27, 2022. Salt Lake City, or SLC, is known as the “Crossroads of the West” due to being at the center of two of the country’s longest and busiest interstate highways: the north-south I-15 and the east-west I-80. As one of Utah’s […]

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Proving Negligence in a Car Accident Case

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

If you’re thinking about taking legal steps after a car crash, you’ll need strong evidence to show that the other driver was negligent. This evidence can come from many places: people who saw what happened, videos of the accident, or even something the other driver […]

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Vehicle Fires: Why They Start and How to Avoid Them

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

In a typical action movie, when a car catches fire, it’s moments away from erupting in a dramatic explosion. And while an explosion like that is extremely unlikely to happen in real life, vehicle fires still pose a threat to drivers and pedestrians, as they […]

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What Is Considered ‘Reckless Driving’ in Idaho?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Idaho is a beautiful place for a drive, with scenic highways and byways aplenty. Like any state, it helps if your leisurely drive follows the prevailing traffic laws, and that includes the nebulous offense of reckless driving. Understanding what the state of Idaho considers reckless […]

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What to Do If You Are in an Accident in an Uber/Lyft in Utah

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have revolutionized the transportation industry, providing a convenient, cost-effective alternative to traditional taxis and public transit. However, as more ridesharing vehicles hit the streets, the likelihood of accidents rises, necessitating a clear understanding of the legal aspects and insurance […]

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What Causes Multi-Car Accidents?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

There’s nothing quite like the sight of multiple vehicles tangled up on the highway to make you realize how important it is to be safe on the road. Multi-car accidents are a frightening reality for many drivers and can lead to severe injuries or even […]

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Bike Lanes’ Impact on Bike Accident Liability

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Bike lanes are an essential part of any city’s infrastructure, providing a space for cyclists to ride safely and comfortably. These lanes offer a level of protection for bike riders from motor vehicles, making it easier for them to navigate the city. However, not all […]

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What Are Utah’s Motorcycle Helmet Requirements?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Originally published July 4, 2022. We know that motorcycle helmets save lives. The federal government convinced state governments to enact universal motorcycle helmet laws in 1967, and studies continue to show that helmets are always a good idea for riders. Unfortunately, many states, including Utah, […]

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How to Dispute a Wrongful Car Insurance Claim Denial

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Car accidents can be traumatic, stressful experiences. They can be even more frustrating if your insurance claim is denied. If you think your insurance claim denial is wrong, it’s important to understand the steps you can take to dispute it. In this post, we explore […]

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Tips for a Safe Bike Trip through Rural Areas

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Biking along the rural roads of Utah can be a beautiful experience, with fresh air, exercise, and natural vistas stretching as far as the eye can see. In fact, the state of Utah is a popular destination for those embarking on bike tours, as it […]

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