What Are the Worst Traffic Times in Boise?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Many car accidents occur due to heavy traffic. The increase of drivers on the road slows down commute times and causes congestion, leading to aggressive driving, speeding, and distracted driving as drivers try to reach their destination on time, sometimes regardless of traffic laws! Read […]

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Who Is at Fault in a Collision Between a Bike and a Car?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

When a collision occurs between a bike and a car, it’s difficult to determine who is at fault. Most people assume that the driver of the car is always at fault, but this isn’t always the case. Cyclists and drivers must obey traffic laws, and […]

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Benefits of Lowering the Legal Limit for DUI from .08% BAC to .05% BAC

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Drunk driving poses a continued, serious threat to road safety. Intoxicated drivers exhibit reduced concentration, worse reaction times, and impaired coordination, which can all lead to injuries and fatalities. As a result, many states are now considering following Utah’s example and lowering the blood alcohol […]

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What to Do if You Get into a Car Crash Across State Lines

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Car accidents are scary no matter what, but they can be even more stressful when they happen outside of the state where you live. In addition to navigating physical injuries and mental stress, you have to deal with differences in insurance policies and how they […]

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What are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Many people have taken to motorcycle riding over the past decade. In 2019, 8% of all households had at least one motorcycle driver, up from 6.94% in 2014. While motorcycles are a growing trend, they also represent a far more dangerous mode of transportation. According […]

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Is Utah a No-Fault State?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Auto accidents can cause serious injuries. Understanding your no-fault insurance and liability coverage can remove some of the stress from navigating the personal injury claim process after an accident. Below, you’ll learn how Utah’s no-fault laws affect your ability to receive coverage after an auto […]

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How Do Passengers Get Compensation from Car Crashes?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Passengers don’t expect to get into a car crash when traveling with friends or family. However, passengers accounted for 62% of U.S. deaths in motor vehicle accidents in 2019. While this is down from a high of 77% in 2000, it still accounts for thousands […]

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How Do I Get an Accident Report in Utah?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

Utah is known for its diverse landscapes, natural beauty, and famous national parks. However, the mountainous roads and heavy-annual snowfall can make for some treacherous road conditions, particularly in the winter. 2021 was the deadliest year for Utah drivers since 2002, with 320 fatalities. If […]

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What to Do After a Car Crash in Utah: A Step-by-Step Guide

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

According to the Utah Department of Health statistics, there are approximately 62,000 motor vehicle crashes every year, or 1 every 8 minutes. These accidents caused more than 25,000 injuries and 260 deaths in 2018. If you are involved in a car crash in Utah, no […]

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Can I Get Compensation for a Crash If I Wasn’t Injured?

This content has been reviewed by Gary O. Bruce

If you were involved in a crash caused by another driver, you can typically get compensation for the crash-related costs you face. That’s true regardless of whether or not you were injured. Here’s what you need to know about getting compensation in a crash where […]

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