How Do I Get an Accident Report in Idaho?

After you’re in a car accident, there are many things on your mind: your damages, your health and wellness, and your totaled car. You might even be considering filing a personal injury lawsuit or wondering what you’ll be able to recover from your insurance company. […]

How Is Pain and Suffering Evaluated after an Accident?

When someone is in a car accident, the first question they might ask themselves (after “Is everyone okay?”) is “How much will this cost me?” And while the primary costs, like medical bills, damages, and lost wages, can all be calculated with relative ease and […]

Can I Sue Someone After a Car Crash in Utah?

Originally posted on 2.28.2022 After a car accident, injured people are often left wondering what their next step should be. Besides questions about their car and personal health, victims of car accidents may be asking themselves, “Should I sue?” The short answer to whether you […]

How Winter Coats Can Affect Car Seat Effectiveness

As the temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, every parent wants to make sure their child is protected from the low temperatures. However, protection from a chilly car interior doesn’t protect your child in a crash. Winter coats can make car seats far less […]

How Phones and Wearable Technology Cause Accidents

Phones and wearable technology have changed the way we interact and communicate with the world. Using smartphones and wearable devices while driving is considered distracted driving and can result in traffic fatalities and injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 6% of all […]

How to File a Claim After an Uber Accident

Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing services must carry $1 million in liability insurance under Utah law in case an Uber driver gets into an accident. Understanding your rights and how to file an Uber accident report in Utah is crucial if you have been in […]

Most Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are at an inherent disadvantage in car accidents due to the size of vehicles and lack of bodily protection. According to the Utah Department of Public Safety, 16% of deadly car accidents involved pedestrians in 2021. Many of these accidents are at least partly […]

Are Pedestrians Ever at Fault for Their Own Accidents?

When a car hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian can suffer catastrophic injuries. However, an accident doesn’t always mean the driver is at fault. The pedestrian might share some responsibility for the accident and their injuries if they violate pedestrian laws. If you suffered injuries as […]

Who Is at Fault in a Collision Between a Bike and a Car?

When a collision occurs between a bike and a car, it’s difficult to determine who is at fault. Most people assume that the driver of the car is always at fault, but this isn’t always the case. Cyclists and drivers must obey traffic laws, and […]

What to Do if You Get into a Car Crash Across State Lines

Car accidents are scary no matter what, but they can be even more stressful when they happen outside of the state where you live. In addition to navigating physical injuries and mental stress, you have to deal with differences in insurance policies and how they […]