How Do Passengers Get Compensation from Car Crashes?

Passengers don’t expect to get into a car crash when traveling with friends or family. However, passengers accounted for 62% of U.S. deaths in motor vehicle accidents in 2019. While this is down from a high of 77% in 2000, it still accounts for thousands […]

How Do I Get an Accident Report in Utah?

Utah is known for its diverse landscapes, natural beauty, and famous national parks. However, the mountainous roads and heavy-annual snowfall can make for some treacherous road conditions, particularly in the winter. 2021 was the deadliest year for Utah drivers since 2002, with 320 fatalities. If […]

What to Do After a Car Crash in Utah: A Step-by-Step Guide

According to the Utah Department of Health statistics, there are approximately 62,000 motor vehicle crashes every year, or 1 every 8 minutes. These accidents caused more than 25,000 injuries and 260 deaths in 2018. If you are involved in a car crash in Utah, no […]

Motorcycle Accidents

Utah Motorcycle Accident Lawyers We protect injured riders from biased insurers. Being injured in a motorcycle accident is traumatic on two levels. First, riders are extremely likely to suffer serious injuries that can be life-threatening. They often need expensive medical treatments and may be unable [...]

Truck Accidents

Utah Truck Accident Lawyers Serious truck accident injuries deserve serious compensation. A fully loaded tractor-trailer weighs in at 80,000 pounds. The average passenger vehicle? Around 4,000 pounds. But because semis share Utah’s roads with cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs, these mismatched vehicles are often involved [...]

Pedestrian Accidents

Utah Pedestrian Accident Lawyers We hold negligent drivers accountable when they injure pedestrians. Due to its natural beauty and good weather, Utah is a great state to live in if you enjoy walking. But anytime you walk near traffic, you face certain risks—especially when drivers [...]

Bicycle Accidents

Utah Bicycle Accident Lawyers You deserve an attorney who will fight for maximum compensation Because bicyclists share roads with cars, trucks, and SUVs, they’re some of the most vulnerable people on our roads. A collision that might be a fender-bender for someone in a car [...]

5 Bad Driving Habits You Should Quit

Many people in Utah drive every day, a routine that carries significant responsibilities. Drivers should develop good habits behind the wheel to keep everyone safe, which includes not only themselves, but their passengers, other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Unfortunately, avoidable traffic accidents often lead to […]

Can My Past Incidents of ‘Road Rage’ Affect My Claim?

Road rage is a long-standing problem on Utah Roads. In 2022, 15.5% of drivers in the state said another driver had exited their vehicle to fight or yell at them, and 10% of drivers admitted to experiencing frequent feelings of road rage. The Beehive State […]

What Are the Common Triggers of PTSD After a Crash?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental health diagnosis that can develop after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. While it is often associated with combat veterans, PTSD can affect anyone who has been through a distressing event, including serious car crashes. If you […]