Good Samaritan Laws and How They Can Affect a Personal Injury Lawsuit

In the moments following an emergency or an accident, the actions of bystanders can be crucial. But what protects these Good Samaritans—those who step forward to help—in the legal landscape? This is where Good Samaritan laws come into play, a topic that Utah personal injury […]

Are Airbags Safe? What the Statistics Say

One minute you’re driving down the road, singing along to the radio—the next minute your face is bouncing off your steering wheel’s airbag. You suddenly realize you’ve just been in an accident, and your airbag might have saved your life. Designed to deploy in milliseconds […]

How Much Auto Insurance Do I Need in Utah?

Utah is a no-fault state, and every motor vehicle driver must carry auto insurance. Non-residents who use a vehicle in the state for part of the year must also have a minimum amount of auto insurance. If you get injured in a car accident in […]

Navigating the Aftermath: Steps to Take Following a Multi-Vehicle Collision

Navigating the aftermath of a multi-vehicle collision can be as disorienting as the accident itself. These incidents, which involve three or more vehicles, can be more complex than the usual car accident in the aftermath because of the involvement of multiple parties, insurance companies, and […]

What Is Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Incidents like car crashes, falls, and workplace accidents can cause severe injuries that completely alter the victim’s life. Many injury victims face a long recovery or develop a mental health condition due to trauma from their injury. Depending on the severity of their injury, they […]

How Much Auto Insurance Do You Need in Idaho?

You may think insurance companies are only trying to make extra money by convincing you to buy more than the minimum liability coverage. However, purchasing more than the minimum actually helps you more than it helps the insurance company! This is because if you cause […]

How Soon Do I Need to Call a Lawyer After a Crash?

Originally published March 21, 2022. The earlier you call a lawyer after an accident, the more quickly and easily you can build a case and collect compensation. The statute of limitations in Utah for car accident injury claims is four years from the date of […]

How Does Idaho Law Define a Wrongful Death Claim?

The tragic and sudden loss of a loved one is an unimaginable experience, further complicated when it results from someone’s negligence or intentional actions. In such an instance, a wrongful death claim might be the best course of action. However, these claims and their nuances […]

What if the Other Driver Refuses to Give Me Their Insurance Information?

Originally published May 9, 2022. Many drivers in Utah cooperate with the police after an accident, but some may become hostile instead. When the other driver in a car accident refuses to share their insurance information, this stressful situation can become more complicated. If this […]

Is Driving Barefoot Legal in Utah?

Driving is a highly regulated activity, and for good reason: tightly controlling motorists’ speed, manner of driving, and potential for distraction helps keep the roads safer for everyone. But sometimes, a regulation that people widely accept as a fact turns out to be anything but. […]