What Are Utah’s Texting and Driving Laws?

Originally posted on May 16, 2022. When the first mobile phones were introduced to consumers in the U.S., there were no laws on the books governing their use while driving. Today, 97% of Americans own a mobile phone, and drivers can be pulled over by […]

The Most Dangerous Intersections in the Boise Area

Every day, residents of Boise, Idaho, navigate a complex network of roads and intersections. While most of these intersections are safe, some can be particularly dangerous for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. In this blog post, learn which intersections in Boise are statistically the most dangerous, […]

Winter Weather Driving Safety Tips

A chill in the air doesn’t just signal the approach of winter: it also signals that it’s time to prepare for cold or inclement weather on the road. While snow and ice can make driving dangerous, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get into a car accident. […]

How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Firm for Your Case

Choosing a personal injury lawyer can be challenging after you sustained injuries from an accident. You may need help deciding which law firm will best represent you in court and win your case when many firms compete for your business. Knowing what to look for […]

What You Need to Know About Pedestrian Winter Safety

Not matter the time of year, pedestrians are at far greater risk of injury or death in a car accident. However, winter is particularly hazardous. Between reduced daylight hours, year-end holidays, and slushy, icy, or snowy roads, pedestrians must take more measures to protect themselves […]

What to Do If You’re Injured in a Crash Caused By a Drunk Driver

Drunk driving can have dangerous consequences. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that at least one person died every 45 minutes in a drunk driving accident in 2020. If you were hurt in an accident with a drunk driver, you may be able to […]

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

In the state of Utah, all car owners are required to obtain personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage. PIP is a type of auto insurance policy that covers expenses for you and your passengers after a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. PIP […]

Should Drivers Be Trained To Use Vehicle Safety Tech?

In recent years, new cars have been equipped with safety technology to help protect drivers on the road. Many drivers have adopted a learn-as-you-go strategy when using these new features. However, research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety suggests that this strategy doesn’t help […]

What Are the Worst Traffic Times in Boise?

Many car accidents occur due to heavy traffic. The increase of drivers on the road slows down commute times and causes congestion, leading to aggressive driving, speeding, and distracted driving as drivers try to reach their destination on time, sometimes regardless of traffic laws! Read […]

Are Insurance Companies Biased Against Motorcycle Riders?

Many motorcycle riders have experienced bias at some point simply because they choose to ride a motorcycle. The media has long depicted motorcycle riders as reckless law breakers, and now many people believe it to be true without even considering the evidence after a crash. […]